Attending Classes Online

Not a NYC local? No problem! We offer the ability for students to attend our classes online from anywhere in the world.

Summer Hyde avatar
Written by Summer Hyde
Updated over a week ago

Our Studio is equipped with an incredible sound and video system designed to give students the ability to experience class both in a live and recorded format from anywhere in the world. Should you attend class live online, you’ll be able to see and hear everything in the room as well as participate in real time.

Should you miss a class or need to study on your own schedule, every session is recorded and available for you to watch as many times as you like for 30 days after the last class session. 

Joining Your Class Live Online

An email will be sent to all enrolled students 30 minutes before class begins. A Zoom link within this email will automatically direct you to the live class. 

You can also access your live class in the Materials section of your Schoology account. Click on “Live Class” to join. You may be prompted to download Zoom Video Conferencing. Once you’ve followed those prompts, the video conference will start automatically.

Audio Issues?

If you’re experiencing any audio feedback during your live online class, please send a message to the class assistant through the Zoom chat box. They’ll make the adjustments necessary to reduce the feedback so you can focus on enjoying your class.

Important rules for attending live online:

  1. Please wear a headset with a microphone when attending online classes to avoid audio feedback. 

  2. If you are doing something that makes a lot of noise during class, like eating popcorn, playing with the dog, or saving the universe, please make sure to mute yourself by clicking the microphone button on the bottom left corner of the Zoom window. 

  3. To get the most out of class we ask that you please turn your video camera on so you can fully participate and your instructor and classmates can engage with you. 

Watching Class Video Recordings

Video recordings are posted 1 business day after class. In your Schoology account, go to the “Materials” link and click on “Previous Class Recordings.” The password to view the recording will be visible just above the video on this page. You will have access to everything in your Schoology course, including these video recordings, for 30 days after your class ends.

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